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2018년 6월 앤드건축사사무소(aandd) 그래픽 디자이너 인턴십 기간 동안 ‘서울건축사신문 리디자인 프로젝트'의 컨셉 디자인을 맡게 되었습니다. 헤비한 텍스트 양을 감안, 선과 면을 활용하여 가독성을 높이고 모노 톤에 포인트 컬러를 강조하여 심플 & 미니멀한 건축물을 강조한 컨셉입니다. 2018년 9월부터 서울건축사신문은 해당 컨셉을 적용시킨 디자인으로 매달 발행되고 있습니다. 

During an internship at aandd in June 2018 (Junior of University of Minnesota), I was able to participate a redesign project of 'Seoul Architect Newspaper' with confidence in my skills. I made a big contribution to the concept of the project with creative ideas in the collaboration of the design team. Since the newspaper had a large amount of texts, I actively presented ideas of highlighting point colors on monotone photographs and using lines to increase readability. So the project was possibly achieved a core competency of the unique design emphasizing modern architectures. Eventually, I was successfully able to accomplish the project and get recognition from the supervisor. The new design of Seoul started publishing in September 2018.




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